{Ultimate HomeScreen UI}
Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD/5800/N97/Mini/X6] Apps
Symbian^3 [N8/C7/C6/E7]

*Spark is a geo-aware, socially integrated, interactive set-top box for your Android or Symbian Smartphone. *Spark's News, Social, Weather, Sports, Entertainment, Alerts & Other Programming is rich, active and ever-expanding. You can turn on or off what you like, re-arrange your modules, add feeds and discover new content all from your phone's Home screen.

Once you download *Spark, it will replace the Home screen on your Android or Symbian phone with one that is elegant, organized, clean, simple and personalized. *Spark will launch with the following modules, which can be turned off or on and rearranged in any order:


View your current location-aware Weather forecast, wherever you're at with *Spark's location-based Weather module. Add other additional City locations to Weather and watch the forecasts for those places too!
Status Module:

Update your Social Status to multiple Social Networks, like Facebook and Twitter, at once. (More Social Networks coming soon)

View Live News, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Opinion and Other News Streams on your phone's Home screen and easily share News links and/or blog about them directly from *Spark via Facebook, Twitter or SMS.
Social Streams:
Keep track of the latest Facebook and Twitter updates with *Spark's Social Streams that update every minute to your Home screen.
Download to PC Clickshere